Our Service

Company registration

Regal Wise can assist companies to register companies in China, including preparing necessary legal documents, obtaining necessary permits and licenses, etc. They can provide the following services to businesses:
● Company name search and booking
● Preparation of articles of association and articles of association
● Submit company registration documents
● Permit and license applications
● Bank account opening
● Social insurance and provident fund registration



Regal Wise helps businesses develop and implement effective go-to-market strategies to increase their brand awareness and sales. They can provide the following services to businesses:
● Market research
● Brand positioning
● Advertising and PR
● Internet marketing
● Social media marketing
● Event planning


Business consulting and planning

Regal Wise can advise businesses on Chinese laws, regulations and business practices. Regal Wise helps companies develop and implement effective investment and growth strategies to achieve their business goals.
● Legal consultation
● Tax consulting
● Accounting consulting
● Human resources consulting
● Intellectual property protection

a man and woman working on a laptop

Investment and Development Strategies

Regal Wise helps companies develop and implement effective investment and growth strategies to achieve their business goals. They can provide the following services to businesses:

●Business plan formulation
● Investment consulting
● Financing
● Joint ventures and partnerships
● Market entry strategy

a hand stacking coins with graph


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HKD Hong Kong dollar